Island Run is a fast-paced action/thriller with Oahu as its backdrop. With a colorful cast of characters, it's sure to keep the pages turning as each chapter opens up a new adventure in the lives of Lindsay Mason and Nicholas Bennett. On the jacket: New resident Lindsay Mason becomes a temporary hostage inside Oahu's Lanakila Mall. Her attacker whispers a garbled message before he disappears. Officials refute her account of events and within hours, two thugs fire at her, destroying a mansion as she escapes. Charismatic Nicholas Bennett, a laid-back, high-profile islander, becomes her only resource for survival. As the pursuit intensifies, Nick calls upon a wide range of contacts to keep Lindsay alive, including Lance Ipo, a childhood friend familiar with both sides of the law. In a run for their lives, they are chased aboard a catamaran, then witness a hit-and-run and death in a parking lot. The focus of their troubles turns to music discs, which is part of the Mall's operations and traceable back to a Chicago Mafia family. A daring foray into Lanakila's executive office suite allows Nick to play out an elaborate "scam" that halts the perpetrators in their quest for illicit financial power. Buckle up; Island Run is a rollercoaster action ride packed with lush greenery, fast boats, and colorful characters. |
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